Friday, March 20, 2020

Mythology Essays - Dionysus, Mythological Kings, Free Essays

Mythology Essays - Dionysus, Mythological Kings, Free Essays Mythology Introduction This project will focus on the adventures of Dionysus and his interactions with other people. I will also show what Dionysus stands for and is depicted by. You will learn about his lifestyle and the way he affected others? lives. I will explain his family and birth and I will tell the story of the few who dare to oppose Dionysus. Family Dionysus? father was Zeus(Jupiter), king of the gods. Zeus played a very important role in Greek mythology as he was the father of many significant gods. He was the ultimate ruler of Heaven and Earth and had control over meteorological phenomenon. In most legends, Semele was the mother of Dionysus while Orphic legends recorded Persephone as being Dionysus? mother. Semele was the beautiful daughter of Cadmus and Harmonia. Her affair with Zeus was strictly secret and later caused her death. Hera(Zeus? wife) found out that they were having an affair and made Zeus kill Semele. As an adult, Dionysus rescued Semele from the underworld and made her a goddess known as Thyone. When Semele died, she was still pregnant with Dionysus in her womb. Zeus came along and rescued Dionysus from Semele?s ashes and sewed Dionysus into his hip until he was ready to be born. Basic Information Dionysus was mainly recognized as the god of wine. He was almost always drunk, and he made people happy with his wine. He traveled around teaching the art of wine making and the cultivation of the vine. Dionysus was also fairly well known as an artistic god. Most of the plays and dramas were in his honor. Drama and poetry both play an important role in the worship of Dionysus. His symbols were grapes, rams, thyrsus, and serpents. His domain was vegetation, pleasure, freedom, and civilization. Dionysus is sometimes referred to as Bacchus and in Roman mythology Dionysus was known as Liber. Dionysus could make people light- hearted and happy or he could make them sad and unhappy. Stories Dionysus? Kidnapping This is a story of which I have found in many different books, however, only two versions were somewhat different. One version containing the character of Acetes, and the other without Acetes. Some pirates saw Dionysus and they assumed by his appearance that he had rich parents, so they decided to capture and sell him for ransom. They took Dionysus onto the ship and attempted to bind him with ropes, however, the ropes broke as soon as they touched Dionysus. One crew member pleaded to let him go, for the breaking of the ropes convinced him that Dionysus was a god, but the other crew members were stubborn and ignored him. The crew members soon found out that Dionysus was angered when he turned into a lion and fragrant wine started flowing down the ship?s deck. Soon after, vines and ivy spread around the ship and the terrified pirates began to turn into dolphins. One by one they leaped into the sea. END. A group of pirates see a strong, and healthy young man and they figure they could make a good profit selling him as a slave in Egypt. One pirate, by the name of Acetes, urged the other crew members to sail wherever the visitor(Dionysus) wished. The pirates were greedy and set sail toward Egypt when all of a sudden lions appear and crouch at their feet. In the background, sounds of flutes were heard and each pirate(except for Acetes), gradually transforming into dolphins, leaped into the water. Dionysus told Acetes to sail toward the island of Naxos and Acetes eagerly obeyed. It is on the island of Naxos where Dionysus meets and falls in love with Ariadne. Dionysus? Romance With Ariadne After Dionysus was kidnapped by pirates, he was dropped off on the island of Naxos. While in Naxos, Dionysus met Ariadne who had been abandoned on the island. He took pity on her and they soon fell in love. When Ariadne died, Dionysus took the golden crown he had given her and placed it among the stars. END. Dionysus met Ariadne on Naxos, he quickly wooed her and won her over. Soon after, they got married and during the wedding celebrations Dionysus took Ariadne?s bridal garland and threw it into the sky where it became

Wednesday, March 4, 2020

21 Body Language Tips for the Workplace

21 Body Language Tips for the Workplace Body language can be an incredibly valuable tool to hone over the course of your career. But it can also backfire. We take in body cues at rates much faster than we process language. So be careful how you use yours! Here are some body language tips for the workplace you can utilize to maintain a professional image. 1. Don’t lean backLeaning back can signify that you’re bored or done with a conversation. If you want to convey interest, lean in slightly or at very least sit straight in your chair.2. Don’t cross your armsThis gesture can look defiant at worst, closed off at best. People will assume you’re disinterested or awkward. Neither assumption would do you any favors.3. Don’t avoid  eye contactIf you don’t look someone in the eye, they will assume you have something to hide. Don’t get a reputation for being shady or dishonest. Remember, in the business world: eye contact = honesty.4. Don’t stareIt is possible to make too mu ch eye contact. This can come off as strange or even aggressive. Try to strike a comfortable, easy-going balance. Try not to hold someone’s gaze for more than, say three seconds.5. Don’t clench your handsPeople who are stressed have a tendency to do this. The stress becomes visible to whomever you are talking to. Relax and hold your hands loosely at your side.6. Don’t hide your handsIt might be comfortable for you to put your hands behind your back, or to shove them in your pockets, but it can be seen as a signal that you might have something to hide.7. Don’t chopYou have something important to say, so you’re gesturing emphatically. Try to avoid chopping the air with your hands- it seems violent and dismissive to the person you are talking with.8. Don’t touch your faceThis is another one that is often misinterpreted as a sign of dishonesty. Best to avoid.9. Don’t nod too muchYou’re eager to convey your attention and your agreem ent, but you might end up freaking someone out. You might seem weak and submissive- or, on the flip side, indifferent.10. Don’t fidgetIt makes you look a little crazy and it can also raise the stress level of the person watching you do the fidgeting. You could also come across as bored or impatient.11. Don’t hunchYou’ll come off as depressed or lazy or too tired to function. Shoulders back, smile on your face! Project confidence with your body, not just your brain.12. Don’t tangle up in your chairIf you wrap your feet or legs around your chair legs, it’s the same as clenching your hands together. You’ll look a little ill at ease and put your fellow converser off.13. Don’t make yourself smallTry not to shrink. It will convey a lack of confidence. Try expanding where you might normally contract and see what effect this can have.14. Don’t go too bigTry not to gesture so wildly or be so expansive that you seem like you’re on stage. This can have the opposite effect you want. And it might frighten people.15. Don’t point your feet at weird anglesThis might seem like a small, weird thing, but if your feet are pointing the wrong way, some people will take note.16. Don’t pat yourselfEven if you find it comforting to pat your legs, your coworkers or boss won’t. They’ll just see you as very uncomfortable, and that will make them uncomfortable too.17. Don’t look at your watch (or phone!)Just don’t. It’s incredibly rude. Keep your attention on the conversation unless you absolutely have to check the time or an important phone call.18. Don’t touch people with your fingertipIf you’re at the stage with someone where it would be appropriate to build trust or ease by touching them briefly, do it with your whole hand, not your finger tip. You’re not E.T.19.  Don’t ignore cuesWhen in doubt, mimic your interlocutor’s body language. If they gesture, you can gesture. If they are standing straight on their feet and projecting confidence, do the same.20. Don’t invade the bubbleWhen in a work context, do not invade anyone’s personal space. Give them room.21. Don’t ignore where you areDo your research when visiting different parts of the world, or even different parts of the country. Customs differ everywhere you go–take the time to make sure you don’t accidentally do anything offensive.